I will be showing in the
Paperworld at Transition Gallery later this month.
20 May - 18 June 2006 - Fri-Mon 12-6pm
Private View: Friday 19 May 6.30–9.00pm
Please note the gallery will be closed on Monday 29 May
Transition has changed address so make sure you come to the new one, here it is -
Transition GalleryUnit 25a Regent Studios
8 Andrews Road
London E8 4QN
mapHere is the Press Release for the show:
Paper is a vital element in the armoury of the artist fantasist. It can be twisted and folded, glued, stapled, printed, cut out, laminated and fashioned into a whole imaginary world, a facsimile of the real world.
Paperworld draws on ideas of consumerism, authenticity, value, desire and the imagination to present an array of objects made by artists from paper and card. Displayed in a faux shop setting these cut, pasted and scrawled artefacts sit defiantly in their luxxy glass cases in the Paperworld emporium. The artefacts on display range from beautifully fashioned diamond drawings over worked on exercise book pages to cardboard cameras to lovingly photocopied and stapled fanzines.
Roy Brown plants paper weeds made from recycled junk mail into the gallery’s nooks and crannies
Rachel Cattle presents the homemade horror of ‘The Cardboard Films’ (made with Steve Richards) alongside fairytale objects made of packing tape
Sarah Doyle’s wannabe jewellery is copied from a catalogue then laminated to last.
Sian Emmison’s eerie advertising is sourced from a myriad media sources, a hand drawn simulacrum of the real thing.
Leo Fitzmaurice reconfigures boxes, making them into Modernist sculptures and cigarette packet football shirts.
Arabella Lee’s zoetrope features a series of galloping paper horses
Peter Liversidge lovingly fashions cardboard copies of retro technology accompanied by paintings of corporate logos
Tim Machin cuts up newspaper landscapes to make delicate stand up sculptures
Nichola Ollis has detourned the Argos Catalogue creating a series of pages with nothing to buy.
Kavel Rafferty's shoebox shop recalls a childhood of Blue Peter making
Rosemary Shirley contributes Modernist constructions formed from fusions between jewellery and sci-fi alongside her delicate drawings of jewels.
Harry Ward contributes a papier mache recreation of Princess Diana’s funeral procession.
Publications by
Transition Editions (Arty, The Critical Friend, Garageland), Kathryn Cooper (The Solutions 3) Rosemary Shirley (Leisure Centre), Pin Up, Sarah Doyle (‘Helping You Find The Right Jewellery’ and ‘Lyrical Cru Activity Book’), Savage Mesiah, Harry Pye, Sam Dargan (Neverlutionary), Rachel Cattle (‘Don’t Stray From the Path’), Tangent, High Horse, Delaine Le Bas, Jimmy Medway ('Graff tales - The Urban Adventures of Smudge'), Sian Emmison (Surrey Girl with Sparkle), Interlude
See more images from Paperworld
here on Flickr