curated by Sarah Sparkes
Layla Curtis, CMPW (Chris Coombes, John Moseley, Julian Wakeling, Harry Pye),
Gordon Beswick, Sarah Doyle, Lizzie Hughes, Romain Forquy, Axel Stockburger,
Heidi Stokes, Geraldine Swayne, Ricarda Vidal, Josie Wood,
Andrew Cooper and Sarah Sparkes (fabrication of Agit Train Cinema)
Private View 4-8pm Thursday 6th March
Exhibition continues March 7th – 15th 2008
Opening hours: Thursday - Friday 4-7, Saturday 1-6
Portman Gallery
Morpeth School
Portman Place
London E2 0PX
(Tube: Bethnal Green)
Saturday Matinee - ‘The Stuff of Life’ artists’ film screening, curated by Ricarda Vidal,at 3pm on Sat 15th March
What is real? how can we be sure that this world is nothing more than an illusion, and that life is just a dream?
‘Real life’ is an exhibition in which artists use film and photography as a means to capture their own sensations
and experience of the external, whether analytical, intellectual or emotional, and allow us a transitory, illuminated
insight into the world from behind their eyes.