8th June - 24th October 2010
Tues - Sat 10 - 5pm
Sun 2 - 5pm
Lewis Glucksman Gallery
University College Cork
Cork, Ireland
Curated by Chris Clarke and Matt Packer
Artists include: Marc Bijl, David Blandy, Alejandro Cesarco, Anne Collier, Sarah Doyle, Fergus Feehily, Dan Graham, Jim Lambie, David Lamelas, Linder, Dennis McNulty, Bettina Pousttchi, Baldvin Ringsted, Meredyth Sparks, and Mika Tajima / New Humans
The mixtape is more than just a compilation. It is a way of conveying an idea, mood or theme through a selection of particular songs and communicating a message to a recipient.
The mixtape is a personal object, illustrated with idiosyncratic cover art and handwritten lines. It often ended up saying more about the maker than the songs or musicians chosen.
Mixtapes: Popular Music in Contemporary Art is a selection of visual artworks that use the materials and imagery that surround and accompany music. It includes artists who acknowledge the influence of album covers, posters, videos, instrumentation and assorted musical paraphenalia in their own work, often referencing the distinct genres, styles and seminal moments of popular music history.
Mixtapes also addresses the notion of the artist as a fan, as someone who incorporates their own musical tastes and preferences in making visual art. In this way, the exhibition explores both the intimate and expressive aspects of art and music.
For further information and images please contact:
Eileen Kearney, Retail + Communications Manager
T. +353 21 490 1844 F. +353 21 490 1823 E. info@glucksman.org
Glucksman curators Matt Packer and Chris Clarke discuss the Mixtapes show, video by Fiona Kearney
CURATORIAL DISCUSSION Mixtapes: Popular Music in Contemporary Art from Fiona Kearney on Vimeo.