I will doing a performance for the Kitson Kaleidoscope project, part of The Camberwell Arts Festival
A two hour collaborative performance beamed live via webcast from James Ford's bedroom in Camberwell, London. Utilising Yahoo messenger I.D. kitsonkaleidoscope for live feed and chat.
Wednesday 28th June 2006, 6-8pm
Kitson Road
London SE5 7LF
Organised by Mark McGowan and James R Ford
A vicarious mash of artists, carrying on from where Jeanie Cam (first ever live webcam performance) left off. All participants will be performing within the small, pixelated televisual field of the webcam, in the site-specific physical space of a domestic bedroom (these factors could be considered restrictive or liberating).
Contact kitson@jamesrobertford.com to request login details for a Yahoo email account which can then be used to view the live performance.
Part of The Camberwell Arts Festival, 24th June - 2nd July 2006
Brian Catling
C. Cred
Richard Dedominici
Sarah Doyle
James R Ford
Russell Herron
Calum F Kerr
Sally O'Reilly
Simon Ould
Olivia Jane Ransley
Paula Roush
Carina Thorén and John Chantler